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Budget Bathroom Makeover Design Board

Here it is, another round of the One Room Challenge! Although this was not something I planned for in advance, I took the last minute to leap to join in this round! Basically, I grew tired of staring at our awkward, outdated downstairs bathroom and decided to tackle it. Initially, I dreamed of a full remodel but alas, this was not in the cards. Instead, I’m hoping to pretty up this space with a very budget bathroom makeover!

ugly bathroom before makeover
This bathroom is so bad, I’m almost too embarrassed to share it! 🙂

one room challenge participant

In case it’s not familiar, the One Room Challenge is a biannual event featuring designers (and regular folks, like me!) documenting their design of a single space over the course of 6 weeks.

It’s all shared online via blogs, social media and the ORC website and is so fun to follow along! You might recall I worked on our living room during the Spring ORC.

budget bathroom makeover inspiration board
  1. Black Vanity Light (changing out vanity lights is the easiest upgrade! More Modern Light Fixtures)
  2. ORO Art Print from Juniper Print Shop
  3. Bath Towel Bundle
  4. Wood Shelves (Read the full post on my bathroom shelves for this simple project)
  5. Black Bathroom Faucet
  6. Framed Mirror
  7. Black Towel Hooks (these are from my brother’s business where I work and the same ones I use in my office!)
builder grade bathroom before remodel
If you’re thinking this is weird, depressing, awkward space you would not be alone in that.

Sooooo, how am I going to tackle all this? Well, in addition to a solid mood board, I like to also have rough plan.

Budget Bathroom Makeover To-Do List

  1. Remove & Replace Hardware
  2. Paint Walls (using leftover white paint)
  3. Repair Holes
  4. Replace Toilet Seat
  5. Replace Light Fixture
  6. Paint Cabinets?
  7. Replace Cabinet Hardware
  8. Replace Sink Faucet
  9. Paint Tile Floor (I’ve got my eye on the Rustoleum Floor Tile Paint Kit)
  10. Find Artwork
  11. Style  (a few key details are really going to help out this weird space!)

More Bathroom Inspiration

I wish I was able to complete remodel this space (like I did with our Small Bathroom Makeover) but I’m looking forward to the challenge!

This is going to be an interesting project, I hope you join me in tackling this budget bathroom makeover. If you’re looking for more budget makeovers, check out my 9 Easy Home Updates Under $200!

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  1. Nicole Q-Schmitz says:

    Excited to see how this turns out – good luck!

  2. Allisa Jacobs says:

    I need the luck, thank you! 🙂

  3. Catherine Matsumoto says:

    I just serendipitously stumbled on your blog. You have some wonderful ideas. You refer to your brother’s business…would live to purchase some hooks and brackets if I could get the name/website. Thank you!

  4. Allisa Jacobs says:

    Hello Catherine,
    Thank you for your kind words! Thanks for asking, I meant to link to it but his business is: http://www.cascadeironco.com Hope this helps, Allisa