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5 Quick Gift Wrapping Ideas with Repurposed Decor

I’m all about using what I’ve got over here! So when it comes to gift wrapping, I try to think outside the box (ahem) of typical paper and bows and incorporate natural elements I already have on hand. And if you’re like me, it’s usually last minute, so I’m also looking for quick and easy…but still pretty! Here are some of my favorite gift wrapping ideas using decor you likely already have on hand!

quick and easy gift wrap ideas with items already on hand for simple, minimal gift wrapping

(But first, part of my design journey includes sourcing products and sharing them with you! Naturally, some of my content includes affiliate links, which means, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a commission if you click and purchase. This commission supports my coffee and plant addiction and allows me to write more content and support our family, so thank you!)

gift wrap with greenery

Mix & Match Gift Wrapping Supplies

I love starting off with basic, plain paper. The Black Kraft Paper is my favorite (I used it for all of our gift wrap last year) and I added in some basic kraft paper that I always keep on hand. From there, I just use simple string to tie them all together. (see supply list at bottom of post for direct links!)

Gift Wrapping Idea #1 – Add Greenery

Greenery! I love using fresh greenery as a gift topper. Nothing feels more festive or natural in my book. It’s especially pretty with my favorite black kraft paper.

quick and easy gift wrapping ideas

I used cedar sprigs I had on hand after decorating our stair rail (don’t throw away all those loose bits!) and making the Modern Hoop Wreath. You can also check local tree farms for leftover greenery they often giveaway for free or purchase fresh cedar boughs online.

dried orange slice gift wrap

Idea #2 – Dried Oranges

If you’ve been on Instagram a minute, you’ve probably seen these dried oranges make their rounds as ornaments and garlands. They are super easy classic DIY and also make for pretty gift wrapping ideas.

dried orange slice garland

I added rosemary sprigs with my dried orange slices for some extra flair 😉

Idea #3 – Add a Bell

Year after year, I find myself with more brass bells. I love large ones as a wall hanging and I’ve used the mini bells as a Simple Garland and along with the Hoop Wreath I love so much.

gift wrapping ideas with brass bells

I think these little brass bells make super cute gift toppers and look pretty with both black or regular kraft paper. Plus, it’s something the recipient can re-use or hang as an ornament.

gift wrap with wood slice tags

Idea #4 – Wood Slice Gift Tags

I keep a craft box on hand and found these little wood slices from a few year’s back. I used them to make personalized ornaments (a garland would be super cute too) and realized they make thoughtful gift tags!

quick and natural gift wrapping ideas

Idea #5 – Cornstarch Ornaments

Ok, for all my friends who grew up in the 80’s making salt dough, this is for you! Awhile back I discovered corn starch dough and it’s a million times better. It’s quick, not as messy, and dries looking like porcelain.

mini star garland with cornstarch dough

Occasionally, I whip up a batch for my boys and in the past we’ve made ornaments with them. This year, I made a mini star garland for the kitchen and carefully tied the extras onto gifts for a classic look.

gift wrapping ideas with repurposed decor for natural, minimal gifts

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