DIY Simple Christmas Bell Garland
Simple, natural, & pretty. This is pretty much my focus for Christmas decorations this year. Usually, I stress out because everything feels cluttered and I try to do way too many things (which means I do a lot of things, but none very well). So, despite my advent calendar failure (if you follow along on Instagram you know what I mean), I gave it my best and created this sweet, simple (and easy!) little Christmas bell garland.

Brassy & vintagey bells? Yes, please! I had no idea I needed these in my life. Now, I can’t get enough of them.

Christmas Bell Garland Supplies
Jingle Bells: I used these Rounded Top Vintage Like Bells – but you could also try these bells (same just smaller)
Jute String: This is a good size roll, I pretty much keep this stuff on hand for everything.
Side note: I made my mantle garland from greenery left over from the tree, Juniper trimmings from the tree farm, and a bit of what I’m fairly certain is cedar which I scavenged from branches fallen by our house. Then I added twinkly fairy lights on a pretty coppery wire. That makes anything fancy 😉

Seriously, these bells. I whipped up a little wreath too – they make the most beautiful little sound.
The whole Christmas bell garland project only took about 15 minutes to whip together. I looped the bells on the twine so they wouldn’t shift around. So simple and so pretty!

If you’re looking for more simple Christmas decor, check out my Tiny Wreath Ornaments and my Modern Hoop Wreath DIY (this one is under 10 minutes!), and Easy DIY Advent Calendars.